
This is a category list of all our blog post categories, where you can find advice and information about how to make mobile applications work for your business with tips and resources.

These articles are then also split up into further categories that you can drill down into the industry or area that is relevant to your business.

We encourage you to add your thoughts in the comments section and share your knowledge, experience and ideas with others.

Desktops and Mobiles, Applications and Apps

Desktop Application I am using a Word processor on my laptop to write this blog. We use Media player or VLC player for playing audio / video on our desktop/laptop. These applications that run stand alone in a desktop or laptop computer are known as ‘Desktop Applications’ – any software that can be installed on [...]

By |2017-03-13T17:45:39+10:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, General Topics|0 Comments

What’s “Smart” about a Smartphone?

Every phone now-a-days is a ‘Smartphone’, unless your ODC restricts it But have you ever wondered what’s so ‘Smart’ about a ‘Smartphone’? What is a ‘Dumb-phone’ then? When did this terminology emerged? Let me try & answer… In simple English, a phone that is ‘Smart’ is known as a ‘Smartphone’. Now what’s smart about a [...]

By |2017-03-13T17:45:40+10:00May 11th, 2016|Blog, General Topics|Comments Off on What’s “Smart” about a Smartphone?


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